Seeding and Sod Installation


This is used for bare patches, reducing weeds, reducing erosion, and improving the overall robustness and health of your lawn. By spreading improved seed varieties, your turf can better withstand drought, disease and insect pressures.  By combining lawn aeration and seeding, you are increasing the chance for seed to soil contact which will encourage germination.  Re-seeding your lawn not only involves getting new grass to grow but it also crowds out places where weeds and crabgrass like to live, like thin or bare areas.

Sod Installation

DKC has 30+ years of experience installing high quality sod.  Sod is an excellent option for instant gratification and beautiful results.  From residential home owners to large commercial projects, we have the experience and knowhow to quickly prepare the area and precisely install the sod.

Still on the fence? Let our DKC lawn experts visit your property for a no-obligation, on-site consultation; free of charge to you. They can take a first-hand look at your property and provide an evaluation and estimate of how we can work together to help you achieve the lawn you have always wanted.

Contact us today at 215-860-5066!

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